Monday, 8 October 2012

12 Accessible Modern Video For All - Stage 2

Our team were pleased to receive funding for the continuation of the Accessible Modern Video For All project. This second stage will attempt to create an accessible HTML5 and JavaScript based video player for modern web browsers. This video player will be designed to meet accessibility standards including WCAG2 level AA.

While there are many video players available that are quite accessible none have been identified as being completely accessible to all users. These players may be missing some valuable information such as labels for controls, feedback on the position of sliders (volume or time), provision of colour, font and font size choices for captions. One excellent example appeared to be completely accessible except for feedback on sliders that was unclear and difficult to access and it was also unfortunately completely inaccessible when run in full screen mode.

Common HTML5 and JavaScript based video players can also be notoriously difficult for the layperson to include on the web page and may not meet the HTML5 standard (as it is at this point in time) at all.

Our plan is to keep it as easy as possible for everyone to implement and maintain a video player on a web page and to make that video player accessible to all. We hope to contain all JavaScript, that can confuse people, in external files and to use HTML5 markup only to keep implementation as simple as possible.

The video player will be tested with students who work in noisy environments, students who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and students who may have hearing or visual impairments.

Our team is excited by this opportunity and we hope we are ultimately successful in providing an accessible modern video player for all.

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